NextSteps Coaching & Consulting LLC WELCOME AGREEMENT
-- Package is per our agreement as outlined in our email as to how many coaching sessions included per month. Installment listed above.
Welcome to Coaching!
I am super excited and grateful to sending you this contract and to be starting on our journey together. This is the first step of you investing in yourself and bringing your dreams and goals to reality.
Now let’s get the boring business details out of the way to so we can dive in and get to the coaching fun!
NextSteps Coaching & Consulting LLC, will be referred as NextSteps or Company throughout this agreement.
COACHING AGREEMENT: Expectations and Responsibilities
This is what is expected of client: (this is what I am asking for you)
- That you create a space for our session without distractions.
- That you bring your own agenda or area of focus to each session. (If you need help determining your topic, I have tools that we can use to help you decide).
- Think about: what are your goals and desires; what you want to focus on; how can I best serve you on the call; what did you struggle most with this past week: what do you want to celebrate?
- That you agree to take risks, be stretched and learn deeply about who you are and who you are becoming.
- That you will let me know if you need to reschedule within 24 hours if possible. We will both honor emergency situations.
- That we do our best to pin down our sessions for the month before the month begins.
- That you will pay me in advance for sessions. (as scheduled above)
- That if you forget to come to a session I will ask that you pay for it. If I forget a session, I will give you your next session free of charge.
- That you complete your exercises prior to our sessions, note this is for your own benefit, so that we can make the most of our sessions and you can make YOUR own dreams and goals come true.
- Be ready to action in your life and business/career.
- Be ready to make decisions regarding your life, career and business.
- Take 100% responsibility for your success or failure to achieve your results.
- Be prepared and make time for the work you need to do to achieve your desired success.
- Trust in me and trust in the process.
- Ask any and all questions you have as they arise.
- Don’t be afraid to stumble in the beginning. In order to achieve success, it usually takes more than one try to get there.
This is what I commit to offering you always:
- I commit to hold you as the brilliant, naturally creative, resourceful and whole person that you are.
- I commit to love you and support your vision and goals and to provide structure that supports you in making conscious choices
- I commit to be here for our regularly scheduled calls, on time and ready to coach.
- Be an objective listener
- I will always offer you encouragement, feedback and support.
- I commit to being straight-forward, honest and authentic with you. I agree to hold your agenda as the primary focus of our working relationship.
- I will hold you accountable for your dreams and goals.
- I will help you develop and execute an action plan.
- I commit to take risks, ask hard questions, and tell you the truth in service of your learning, growth and purpose!
This is what Coaching will require from you:
- Be committed to living an extraordinary life
- Be responsible for the results of your coaching process
- Provide the payments on time and be on time to each coaching session
- Be committed to the coaching sessions and taking-action each week
- Come to each session prepared and make the most of your time, ask any and all of your questions
- Tell the truth; be honest with yourself and me even if and when its uncomfortable
Scheduling, Cancellation or Rescheduling
Scheduling is done through my calendar on the Acuity Scheduler. The direct link is
If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please do so at minimum before 24 hours of your appointment.
Appointments cancelled with less than 24 hours notice may be forfeited without opportunity to reschedule and no refund will be given. (Exception would be a real emergency that would not allow for any advance notice).
Refund and Termination Policy
(a) Upon execution of this Agreement, Client agrees to pay to Company the full amount of the Fee, or agreed upon payment plan.
(b) If client cancels attendance at, or participation in, the Program for any reason whatsoever, Client will not be entitled to receive a refund, except where Company’s statutory obligations mean that Client is entitled to either a full or partial refund.
(c) If Company is unable to render a portion of the Program as agreed and no suitable rescheduling is able to be arranged then a refund for that portion only of the Program will be made to Client.
-For any breach of any of the obligations of this Agreement, the person who has committed the breach will immediately remedy or rectify the breach promptly.
-Termination may occur if the Coach believes that the working relationship has broken down including a loss of confidence and trust; or for any other reason outside their control which has the effect of compromising their ability to perform the Services. In the event of such termination by the Coach, payment must be made up to the date of the last Services and any other monies paid in advance will be refunded to the Client.
-In the event of any termination by the Client, payment for the full terms and all sessions of the Services becomes immediately due and payable, whether or not the sessions were used by the Client. The Client is liable for full payment of all unpaid sessions for the Services that were engaged in accordance with the Proposal.
-Confidentiality survives and continues in the event of any dispute or termination and, in any event, after the delivery of the Services.
- Services. Done-for-you services of any kind are not included.
- Ownership of Written Materials. As a participant, you will have one license to view written materials provided by NextSteps. You do not have ownership of this information, which is protected by federal copyright laws. You may not copy, re-engineer, distribute, or otherwise provide access to this information to any other person, for free or paid, without express written consent of NextSteps, which it may withhold for any reason.
- Results Not Guaranteed. You are receiving a space in the program, support and guidance, but not guaranteed results from participating in the program.
Coaching Agreement Disclaimer:
Client understands that the Coach’s services are consultative in nature and that decisions made and actions taken, based on input or advice from the Coach, are ultimately the complete responsibility of the Client. The Coach shall have no liability or responsibility for any actions of client taken (or not taken) in connection therewith. The Coach makes no guaranties or warranties, expressed or implied, as to results to be achieved, or as to the consequences of any actions taken or not taken by Client. By beginning the coaching process, this is what both the client and coach agreed to.
Informed Consent- Coach-Client Relationship
- Coach agrees to maintain the ethics and standards of behavior established by the International Coach Federation “(ICF)”( It is recommended that the Client review the ICF Code of Ethics and the applicable standards of behavior. B. Client is solely responsible for creating and implementing his/her own physical, mental and emotional well -being, decisions, choices, actions and results arising out of or resulting from the coaching relationship and his/her coaching calls and interactions with the Coach. As such, the Client agrees that the Coach is not and will not be liable or responsible for any actions or inaction, or for any direct or indirect result of any services provided by the Coach. Client understands coaching is not therapy and does not substitute for therapy if needed, and does not prevent, cure, or treat any mental disorder or medical disease.
- Client further acknowledges that he/she may terminate or discontinue the coaching relationship at any time.
- Client acknowledges that coaching is a comprehensive process that may involve different areas of his or her life, including work, finances, health, relationships, education and recreation. The Client agrees that deciding how to handle these issues, incorporate coaching principles into those areas and implementing choices is exclusively the Client’s responsibility.
- Client acknowledges that coaching does not involve the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association and that coaching is not to be used as a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, substance abuse treatment, or other professional advice by legal, medical or other qualified professionals and that it is the Client’s exclusive responsibility to seek such independent professional guidance as needed. If Client is currently under the care of a mental health professional, it is recommended that the Client promptly inform the mental health care provider of the nature and extent of the coaching relationship agreed upon by the Client and the Coach.
- The Client understands that in order to enhance the coaching relationship, the Client agrees to communicate honestly, be open to feedback and assistance and to create the time and energy to participate fully in the program.
Confidentiality Agreement
I hold everything that we discuss to be completely confidential and never to be shared by me with anyone other than yourself without direct, written permission authorized by you. The only time that this confidentiality agreement could be broken without your express written permission is if I perceive that you are a potential danger to yourself or to another person. I am then obligated by law to break this confidentiality agreement.
Important note regarding confidentiality and Credentialing through the International Coach Federation:
I am a professionally trained and certified coach through the Coaches Training Institute. Additionally, I am currently seeking to be certification from the International Coach Federation, (ICF) which sets the accepted “gold standard” for professional credentials within the coaching industry.
In order to qualify for the Certified Professional Coach (PCC) credentials with the ICF, I am required to keep records of client’s names, contact information (email and/or phone) and hours coached. Information about the content of the coaching is never shared in any way with the ICF credentialing committee.
No Resale of Services Permitted
(a) Client agrees not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade, resell or exploit for any commercial purposes, any portion of the Program (including course materials), use of the Program, or access to the Program.
(b) This agreement is not transferrable or assignable without the Company’s prior written consent, where such consent may be withheld at the Company’s absolute discretion.
No Transfer of Intellectual Property
Romy S. Weiss, NextSteps Coaching & Consulting LLC, retains all ownership rights to all materials provided during your enrollment in any NextSteps Coaching services or programs. All materials are provided for your single use only.
(a) Company’s copyrighted and original materials shall be provided to the Client for his/her individual use only and with a single-user, non-transferable, revocable license.
(b) Client agrees that he/she will not use any of the Company’s intellectual property, including without limitation the Company’s copyrighted and original materials, for Client’s business purposes.
(c) Client shall not be authorized to share, copy, distribute, or otherwise disseminate any materials received from Company electronically or otherwise without the prior written consent of the Company.
(d) All intellectual property, including Company’s copyrighted course materials, shall remain the sole property of the Company.
(e) No license to sell or distribute Company’s materials is granted or implied by the enrollment or by the payment of any fees.
Limitation of Liability
(a) By enrolling in the Program and using Company’s services, Client releases Company, its officers, employees, directors, affiliates and related entities from any and all damages that may result from the provision of the services to the Client.
(b) The Program is an educational/coaching service only.
(c) Client agrees that he/she accepts any and all risks, foreseeable or nonforeseeable, arising from such services.
(d) In any event, if Company is found to be liable, Company’s liability to Client or to any third party is limited to the lesser of:
(i) the total fees Client paid to Company in the one month prior to the action giving rise to the liability.
(e) All claims against Company must be lodged within 100 calendar days of the date of the cause of action arising or otherwise the right of action is forfeited.
(f) Client agrees that Company will not be held liable for any damages of any kind resulting or arising from the provision of the services including but not limited to; direct, indirect, incidental, special, negligent, consequential, or exemplary damages happening from the use or misuse of Company’s services or enrollment in the Program.
(g) Client agrees that he/she uses Company’s services at Client’s own risk.
In the unfortunate event of a dispute between client and NextSteps, client agrees not to engage in any conduct or communications, public or private, designed to disparage the program/company or person, Romy Weiss/NextSteps. Where requested by law or arbitration, of course, client is not prohibited from sharing their thoughts or opinions as part of the legal process.
Dispute Resolution
If a dispute arises between client and NextSteps and/or Romy Weiss, all communication will be via email. If dispute reaches legal levels, we agree now that we will submit to binding arbitration before a single arbitrator, selected jointly in accordance with the American Arbitration Association Rules. Prior to seeking arbitration, the client must submit his or her compliant to me, Romy Weiss, with full details about the client’s dissatisfaction with the program or coaching services of NextSteps via email at [email protected]. The client understands that the only remedy that can be rewarded to client through arbitration is a full refund of the payment made to date. No award of consequential or of any other type of damages may be granted. Any judgement on an arbitrator’s award, if made, is binding and may be entered into any court having the appropriate jurisdiction.
By signing this agreement client agrees to a medication of the statute of limitations such that any arbitration must be commenced within one (1) year of the date of the act, omission or other conduct complained of as submitted in email, or shall otherwise be forfeited forever. Arbitration will be held in Cumberland County, Maine, and the prevailing party shall be entitled to all reasonable attorney’s fees and costs necessary to enforce the Agreement.
No Waiver
The failure to enforce any provision of this agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or limitation of the right to later enforce and compel strict compliance with every part of this Agreement.
Effect of Partial Invalidity:
The invalidity of any portion of this Agreement will not and shall not be deemed to affect the validity of any other provision, in the event any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, the Parties agree that the remaining provisions shall be deemed to be in full force and effect as if they had been executed by both Parties subsequent to the expungement of the invalid provision.
Governing Law:
This Agreement shall be construed according to the laws of Portland, Maine.
Testimonial Agreement
___ (intial) If client provides company a testimonial, client is doing so willingly and understands there is no monetary compensation for testimonial. NextSteps has full rights to such testimonial and can use it for promotional materials – digital and print. For use on website, newsletters, social media outlets, blogs, emails or any other marketing campaigns.
Client will be enrolled in the Program upon receipt of (1) a copy of this signed Agreement and (2) payment in full or the first installment of payment plan.
By signing this agreement, you are entering a legally binding agreement with Romy S. Weiss and Next Steps Coaching & Consulting LLC, subject to the terms above.
Thank you! I am honored that you have chosen to work with me. I look forward to taking the next steps on your journey together!
With Love & Gratitude,
Romy S Weiss - Your NextSteps Career Coach
Romy S. Weiss, CPCC, MBA
NextSteps Coaching & Consulting LLC
p| 207.613.4516
e| [email protected]
Book your coaching sessions:
by checking box of terms and conditions this is considered signed.
Client signature and date
Romy S Weiss
Romy S Weiss, CEO & Coach Signature