Is It Too Late To Make A Career Change at 40?

Is it too late to make a career change midlife? If you are over 35, are you qualified to do anything else. Short answer yes. With your transferable skills. Read to learn about the best career change ideas and options.


Is it too late to make a career change at 40?

5 Steps for Changing Careers Mid-life.

I’m over 35, am I even qualified to do anything else?

“You are never too old to dream another dream or set another goal.” -- CS Lewis

DOES the minute your alarm goes off in the morning, a PIT in your stomach starts aching? I am not talking about the everyday, I am not a morning person blues. I am talking about something greater than this. It’s a gnawing feeling that is ALL encompassing. 

Do you sometimes cry on your commute to work? Or have to brace yourself before going into the office?

Do YOU need to give yourself a pep talk before you have a meeting with your boss, because the thought of being talked down to or ghosted while you are sitting across the table is more than you want to bare?

I can still vividly recall the conversations with my mom through my tears over how miserable I was at my job. But I didn’t know what to do about it. I didn’t know what options I had or that I even had options. 

 I couldn’t stand another day of going to work where I was:

-> treated badly
-> under valued
-> under-appreciated
-> my ideas were ignored or shot down
-> underpaid
-> the list goes on…..

BUT I needed to work. What else was I qualified to do? What options did I have? 

Does this sound familiar? Are you here now?

Here’s the thing…

None of us have to feel this way. We do have options. 

You are qualified to do more than one thing. You just haven’t realized it yet. Just know that you have options and choices. I work with clients every day to help them realize this. 

Everyone has transferable skills. Truth be told, I have not met anyone who does NOT have them. Yet, almost everyone I meet doesn’t think they do. It is these transferable skills that make it easier than you think to change careers. As always, I tell it like it is, some careers paths are easier to switch into than others. Some you will need additional training or schooling for. Others you will have everything you need already. 

It has been my experience that most people have more cross experience than they realize. They can make career pivots with ease. That said, the career search process takes time and you have to be willing to roll up your sleeves and do the work. 

Bottom line is, we spend a great deal of our time working so we should be inspired while at work. When we are, the time goes by faster, we are more invested in what we are doing and ultimately we are more effective and engaged. 

Just think how more pleasant your morning would be if you didn’t have that PIT in your stomach.

In order to do this there are 5 necessary steps needed to make a career change midlife.

  1. Career Clarity: We need to understand what is the root of our unhappiness. Before we make a career change we need to determine are we unhappy with what we are doing or where we are doing it.

The career transitions action plan is different depending on the reason.

  1. Create a career search detailed, strategic and tactical action plan on how to transition out of your current position and into a new one. Get crystal clear on reason for transition. (Your action plan is dependent on your why).

Note: why we are unhappy at work is often a point that needs clarity. Are you unhappy doing what you do. 


Are you unhappy where you are doing it.

Meaning, sometimes we like what we do, but we don’t know like our work environment or culture. 

Other times, we like our co-workers and culture, yet we are miserable in our position. 

And, sometimes, it is a combination of both. 

Getting crystal clear on what is making us unfulfilled at work is a key piece of information to build a comprehensive, strategic job search plan.

  1. Determine what your transferable skills are, distinguish your core skills and strengths and how to differentiate yourself when looking for a new job.

Three things to consider are:

Everyone has transferable skills (hard and soft). These are strengths and skills that are used across departments, jobs and industries. 

What makes you unique? This is a question you can ask yourself to help pull out your assets that make you stand out in the crowded applicant pool.

Your success stories- what is your accomplishment list (lean into your value and own your worth. Tell your inner critic to take a time out)?

  1. Make your career transitions plan 

What are the steps you are going to take to get to your desired career success. Break it down into manageable, realistic and executable steps. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it might be time to hire a career coach

  1. Confidently communicate your professional story and share your value.

It’s important that if you’re making a career transition you feel confident in “bragging” about yourself. You need to be clear about WHY people should hire you and the strengths you bring to the table. You might be feeling uncomfortable because of your inner critic telling you that you CAN’T make the change. 

What I most often find is that the place individuals have the most discomfort is talking about themselves. Remember, it is your job to show the hiring manager why they should hire you, not why they shouldn’t. 

Helping my clients step into their value and find a comfortable way to tell their success stories confidently and effectively is why their resumes are getting them through the crowded applicant pool, why they are being offered interviews, nailing interviews and landing dream job offers.

I work with my clients on this. As I have mentioned many times before, effective communication is my strategic superpower. It is also my passion. I love helping clients find their why, get clarity, stop undervaluing themselves, gain career confidence and start effectively communicating which leads them to accomplishing their career goals and achieve career success. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. WITH EVERY CLIENT.

And I want that for all of you.

“Romy helped me to conquer my fear of going to college for the first time in my forties after spending years telling myself I couldn’t do it. I am now a college graduate and working my dream job!”  -- Michele B. Note: working mom in her 40’s looking to change professions and go back to college.

 What would be possible for you if that was you? Are you ready for it to be YOU?

Ultimately, I do believe you have to make the choice to say I want to be held accountable. I want to accomplish my goals. I want to take the NextSteps of intention to the NextLevel. Taking these courageous steps of intention that will lead you to great things. Are is with me? I am here to SUPPORT. YOU. EVERY. STEP. OF. THE. WAY.

Which brings us back to setting the steps of Intention and making those steps count. 

What action can you do today that will lead you to achieving your desired career success? 

How will YOU advocate for yourself?

Think about it- if Cauliflower can now be a pizza. You can be anything you want to be when you grow up too! 

It’s not too late. If you are reading this now, then it’s exactly the right time. 

What if I, Romy- Your NextSteps Career Coach, could help you take the steps to make your career dreams and goals a reality? And you didn’t dread the workweek anymore? How would that feel? 

It all starts with a simple conversation, completely risk-free. Learn what’s possible for you in the next 90 days. Schedule a time for us to chat.

Stay tuned for the next article, “How to Handle a Toxic Work Environment” of this career coaching educational series. 

This Career Coaching Awareness Blog series, is brought to you by Romy Weiss, Your NextSteps Career Coach, CEO of NextSteps Coaching & Consulting LLC. If you are trying to navigate the career transitions pathway while still wanting to have a fully balanced life.

Then this series is for you.

If you missed one of the first few blog articles, click here: 

If you are new to the series start here: “What is Career Coaching?”

To read the other articles, click below:

  “Is Career Coaching Right For Me?”

  “How Does Professional Career Coaching Work?”

  “How to Climb the Corporate Ladder”

“4 Mistakes Keeping You From Your Dream Job”

  “ Is Work/Life Balance Possible?”

P.S. Want to learn more about Career Coaching and which of my programs would be the best fit for you? Schedule a free strategy session here.

10 Top Tips to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile & Stand Out in the Crowded Applicant Pool

A FREE, Guide to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile, Stand Out in the Crowded Applicant Pool and Land Your Dream Job 

 …. Because YES, people are hiring again!

In this, FREE Guide, you will learn:

  • 10 top tips on how to optimized your LinkedIn Profile so that your profile is searchable, findable and discoverable (ie: shows up in recruiters, hiring mangers and people’s search feeds)
  • The single most important thing you need to do in order to be found and discovered by your dream employers and recruiters on LinkedIn.
  • 4 actionable steps to improve your LinkedIn Profile and stand out in a pool of applicants.

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